Faculty Profile

Zahed Yousefi
Update: 2024-09-12

Zahed Yousefi

Faculty of Art and Architecture / Department of Urbanism

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Evaluation of the role of social innovation in promoting social resilience in deprived urban neighborhoods (Case study: Islamabad neighborhoods in Sanandaj)
    Abstract Today, reducing the vulnerability of deprived and endangered populations requires building resilience against social crises. To achieve a resilient society, we need to move towards innovative ideas in the social structures of neighborhoods and how human society functions. In order to achieve social resilience in marginal areas, it is vital to use innovative social ideas; Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to identify innovative social ideas in the neighborhood of Islamabad against the social challenges of the neighborhood and to create social resilience and to identify the necessary platforms and contexts for the emergence of social innovations in the neighborhood in order to improve flexibility and social resilience in the neighborhood. The research method in this research is of qualitative type and it was done with grounded theory method. The statistical population of the current research was 15 people involved in the public affairs of the neighborhood, initially selected by purposive sampling and then by snowball method. In order to achieve the desired model, modeling has been done based on the paradigm model in the grounded theory methodology. Based on this and after detailed analysis of the interviews in the form of MAXQDA software, 33 extracted concepts have been identified in 7 sub-categories and 3 main classification categories. The selected categories were placed in the form of a paradigm model and the research model was developed. The results of the research indicate that social innovations in order to improve the social resilience of the neighborhood require a change in the social, cultural and religious structure of the neighborhood in the form of social capital, social support and social equality and social connections. Citizens are looking for opportunities to participate. , cooperation and empowerment with private institutions and government bodies in order to create a platform for the emergence of innovative ideas in order to improve the social resilience of the neighborhood. Finally, social innovations improve responsibility, cohesion and solidarity, social interaction, cooperation, partnership, trust and Confidence between people, trust and confidence between people and officials, communication, local leaders, non-governmental groups, justice in access to urban services, gender equality, literacy, awareness, information, creating a platform for using creative ideas, the existence of new ideas , attention to people with special needs, financial support, empowerment of women, political participation, common beliefs and values, participation and use of religious groups and changes in the cultural context and norms of the neighborhood and appropriate use of the media and collective networks of opportunities. They create the context of flexibility and stability against any shocks and adversities and lead to the improvement of social resilience in the suburbs of cities.
  2. Investigating the key factors affecting the success rate of Housing patterns of low income groups (Case study: Mehr housing in Mahabad)
    Housing as a basic need has always been one of the challenges of government planning. In the experience of the past few decades, various models have been used to provide housing for low-income people, and their achievements have been different, and the main point is that after spending significant financial resources and implementing programs, housing is still the basic need of many disadvantaged groups, and the main role is played by unfavorable living conditions. they have In this regard, the aim of this article is to focus on the investigation of the key factors affecting the success rate of housing provision patterns for low-income groups in Mahabad city. In terms of the results, the current research is of the type of applied research and quantitative research method and structural equation model were used for data analysis.The statistical population of this research is 9945 people, using the Cochran technique, a sample of 376 people has been obtained, and for more certainty, 420 questionnaires have been distributed among the residents of the Mehr housing project. Data analysis was done by SmartPLS software. The results of the research showed that social, economic, environmental and physical factors are among the key factors in the success of housing provision patterns for low-income groups in Mahabad city. The significance of the effect of these factors on the success of housing supply patterns was confirmed by obtaining t values greater than 1.96 and p values less than 0.05.
  3. Explaining the role of information and communication technology in changing the pattern of spatial distribution of commercial activities and its consequences on the spatial structure of the city (Case study: Sanandaj)
    Among the various technologies that affect the urban form, innovations in information and communication technologies (ICT), which are widely accepted today despite their relatively short history, represent a new force. The high rate of diffusion of the Internet, one of the most prominent applications of information and communication technology, creates and modifies urban activities, thereby affecting people's daily lives. Dependence on space and place is eliminated through ICT, so there is more freedom in locating factors of activities. ICT has increased the flexibility of activity, time and place and weakened the traditional links between them. In this context, space over time and as a result the spatial patterns of activities prevail over physical limitations, and more flexibility and less geographical limitations change the traditional rules in choosing the location of activities and even people's residence. Finally, ICTs can change the spatial structure of the city through their effects on those factors. Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the effects of Fava on the location pattern of activities and the consequences it will have on the spatial structure of the city. The statistical population of the present study is all the citizens of Sanandaj and owners of businesses and commercial activities in Sanandaj city. The selection strategy of this research, the probability sampling strategy was carried out in two two-stage questionnaires, the first type of simple random sampling and the second type of targeted cluster sampling, 403 citizens and 393 people from business owners and commercial activities were selected and collected using the questionnaire tool. Is. Questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis methods in SPSS software, and the results of the questionnaires according to the goals and questions of the research showed that the general public, as people who deal with commercial activities, ICT has affected their lifestyle and activities and their activities It has influenced them and caused them to change their behavior pattern. Commercial activities (online shopping) which is one of the most important elements of the spatial structure of the city in this study were selected and categorized into 7 different groups, and the results were more in the group of goods and educational content, electronic and digital goods, clothing and cosmetics. had assigned a stronger significance, which showed that the business activities of the people of Sanandaj city have become and continue to be oriented towards ICT day by day and have caused a change in the location selection equations of activities. The questionnaire of business owners and business activities was done in order to find out what the consequences of these events were in reality and with the studies that sought to measure whether ICT and the two main elements of mobile phones and the Internet play a role in the equations of location selection. business activities from the point of view of business owners, according to the results that were investigated, it showed that mobile phones and the Internet have had a significant impact on the business of business owners, most business owners use ICT for their sales, and the desire to go online for sales between They have increased, of course, according to the results, young people are more interested in Internet businesses. Most of the businesses with this trend are not looking for shops with a commercial center and the importance of the location is fading for them. Also, in the last few years, the city of Sanandaj has seen sub-commercial centers where the business owners are doing business in these sub-centers. The results of the research proved that online shopping has affected the traditional way of shopping, and has caused a change in lifestyle that this change is increasing day by day. ICT as an opportunistic factor has had opportunities to change lifestyles and change activities. and causes spatial and temporal dispersion of activities. The commercial activities of the people of Sanandaj city are becoming more and more oriented towards ICT day by day, and this has caused the change in the location selection equations of the activities, which has caused the city to move out of the monocentric state. The findings of this research can be used by the executive institutions of the city for planning and new considerations in the design of the environment and the future spatial structure of Sanandaj city, and ICT as an influential element in changing the behavior pattern of the people, which causes a change in the spatial pattern of commercial activities and finally changes The model of the spatial structure of the city has been taken into account, the most important beneficiaries of which are the citizens.
  4. Analyzing the effects of information and communication technolog on the spatial structure of cities after the Covid-19 epidemic (Case stud: Sanandaj)
    The emergence of information and communication technology and the development of its use in applications related to various fields have affected almost all aspects of urban life. By changing the way of doing activities, this technology offers new forms of services that are more visible in the necessary conditions of these new forms. In the past three years, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic all over the world, the use of information and communication technology-based systems in order to significantly reduce physical communication in order to prevent the problems caused by the epidemic has received more attention, took place, so that virtual services (such as online training, remote work, virtual stores, etc.) replaced face-to-face services in Sanandaj city like other Iranian cities. Therefore, the need to use information and communication technology during the covid-19 epidemic led to a huge change in the way of life of people, which many people did not consider it necessary to use those services before. These changes can transform the concept of space-time, social relations, urban activities and daily trips, which are among the elements that shape the urban spatial structure. Considering the importance of spatial structure in the development of cities and the changes made during the epidemic, the effects of which have remained on the cities after the epidemic period, we will investigate these effects more closely in this research. In this study, the effects of information and communication technology on the elements and factors that shape the spatial structure were investigated according to the four main physical and spatial dimensions, human aspects, activities and mobility and flows during and after the epidemic in Sanandaj city. The method of collecting information in this research is library and field method, and the data of this research, which was prepared through a questionnaire, were analyzed using two descriptive and inferential methods. Based on the obtained results, there is a strong significant relationship between all the variables of the elements that form the spatial structure of Sanandaj city with the variables of information and communication technology. It should be noted that the significance level of these relations is 0.01 and the evaluation of the significance of the relations between the variables showed that the desired relations are significant with 98% confidence in all three time periods. In general, information and communication technology by increasing temporal and spatial flexibility and reducing the concentration of activities and even living in crowded urban centers, leads to the weakening of the monocentric structure (decentralization) and the redistribution of the spatial pattern of population and activity.
  5. امکانسنجی ایجاد شهر جدید با تاکید بر شهرهای جدید نسل نو، نمونه موردی شهرستان سنندج
    ایجاد شهر های جدید در طول تاریخ دلایل متعددی داشته به طوریکه کشور ما تاکنون تجربه ی سه دهه ایجاد شهر های جدید را باخود یدک می کشد اما مفهوم نسل نوین شهر های جدید، جهت عدم تکرار رویه های ناصواب شهر های جدید نسل نخست، از ابتدای دولت یازدهم در ادبیات نظام توسعه سکونتگاهی کشور مطرح گردید. این نوع از توسعه ی شهری جدید عمدتا با اهدف توسعه اقتصادی ویا خلق فرصتی برای توسعه سیاسی و ارتقاءرقابت پذیری شهر ها ایجاد می شوند. تحقیق حاضر با هدف امکان سنجی ایجاد شهر جدید با تاکید بر رویکرد شهر های جدید نسل نودر شهرستان سنندج تدوین گردیده است. بنابراین، از نظر هدف یک تحقیق کاربردی-توسعه ای و از لحاط راهبرد یک تحقیق توصیفی-تحلیلی محسوب می شود. بدین جهت پس از شناخت محدوده مورد مطالعه و تجزیه و تحلیل های صورت گرفته در ابعاد مختلف کالبدی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی، حمل و نقل، انرژی وعوامل محیطی با استفاده از مدل فازی و AHPو بهره گیری از ماتریس سوات به جهت تعیین موقعییت راهبردی، به شناسایی موانع و محدودیت های توسعه یپیوسته و بیان ویژگی ها، مزیت ها و پتانسیل های شهرستان سنندج در راستای ایحاد شهر های جدید نسل نو پرداخته شده است. نتایج حاصله نشان می دهدکه شهرستان سنندج به دلایل شرایط خاص توپوگرافی، وجود عوامل محدود کننده توسعه ی فیزیکی، روندروبه رشد جمعیت، عدم توانایی پاسخگویی به نیاز های جمعیت در آینده و اما در مقابل پتانسیل ها و ویژگی های منحصر بفرد این شهرستان به جهت موقعیت استراتژیکی مناسب در منطقه، توانایی تبدیل شدن به یک برند شهری در زمینه ی شهر خلاق موسیقی، صنایع دستی و کشاورزی، لزوم توجه به مزیت های نسبی در زمینه تولید و عرضه انرژی های تجدیدپذیر، نگاه توسعه محور در بخش تجارت و صادرات، شرایط محیطی نسبتا مناسب به جهت توسعه های جدید شهری وتوانایی تبدیل شدن به شاهراه توسعه گردشگری سلامت درکشور، ضرروت هاو پتاسیل های ایجاد توسعه ی شهری جدید را دارا می باشد اما موقعیت راهبردی در این مسیر یک موقعیت تدافعی در جهت کاهش ضعف های موجود و جلو گیری از تهدیدات احتمالی می باشد.