Faculty Profile

Salah Vaisi
Update: 2024-09-12

Salah Vaisi

Faculty of Art and Architecture / Department of Architecture

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Energy transition through building retrofit and renewable energy integration to emphasize on preservation of cultural landscape of Hawraman, Case Study: Doulab village
    In the world's energy transition to achieve zero carbon, the historic context has many challenges. conservation is the starting point for the energy retrofit of historical buildings, which must be done according to the criteria. furthermore, each historical building is unique and their improvement requires customization. The conducted research shows that due to the limitation of improvement facilities, thermal comfort and energy performance in historical buildings are often lower than the defined standards. This research aims to create an energy neutral retrofit for historical and traditional buildings in the historical village of Doulab located in the cultural landscape of Hawraman. Resulting in the following research question: What are the challenges of energy transition in historical context and buildings? Will providing a template be responder? Through careful analysis of the Doulab village, the chosen two buildings of the Upper Mohammadi Mosque and the Seif residential building have been selected as case study. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the energy usage of the building is relatively high, and that the indoor comfort is currently not up to standard. To improve the energy performance and indoor comfort, the proposed design is based on local architecture and heritage criteria. The buildings are insulated using a combination of interior and exterior insulation, crack & seam filling, replacement of double-glazed windows and the use of optimal equipment for both buildings have been suggested. For mohammadi mosque a wall heating system is proposed in which the wall is slightly heated to minimize energy losses to the exterior and in the summer, with turning off the system, sweating in the mosque will be prevented. Using the potential of the region to use energy production through the combined heat and power (CHP) system with biogas fuel is the next step in this research. This system provides the energy consumption of the village with high efficiency in the combined production of electricity and heat. Evaluation of the proposed design reveals that none of the identified heritage values are altered and adheres to the regulations related to national monuments and the landscape of the village. By implementing building optimization, the energy demand of the residential building is lowered by 61% and the thermal comfort of the mosque building will increase by 82%. However, the energy demand of buildings does not achieve zero with the implementation of the design, but the disconnect of the use of oil and natural gas for buildings in the short term is a more important goal that will help in terms of sustainability and protection. and from an environmental term of producing clean energy sources, it provides us with zero carbon goals. In the last part, presenting a general approach for improving the energy of historical buildings can be as follows: (1) identification of heritage values, (2) evaluation of the current performance of the building, (3) creating concept design, (4) choses the best solutions and (5) design evaluation, which can be implemented with a detailed analysis of the heritage building.
  2. Providing cooling comfort of official and residential buildings using active solar cooling systems (Solar cooler) and presenting architectural approaches
    Direct Evaporative Coolers (DECs), known as water coolers, are user friendly as well as frequently used equipment for space cooling in hot and dry climates. It is a cost-effective system applied in residential or small buildings such as private offices and commercials; however, higher water and energy consumptions are the main gap of this system that should be improved their efficiency. Water in a dry climate is vital and means life and greenhouse gases have threatened life on the earth. This research is an experimental effort, trial and error more than 2 years, to develop a conventional water cooler system in 3 phases. In the developed prototype, compared with the conventional model, the water consumption was reduced by 23.8 liters per day (about 56%) whereas the operating hours of the system was also reduced by 55%. Up to 6.2 million m3 water can be saved in each warm period in a year at the city scale. The reduction of operating hours caused a reduction of 67.5W in energy consumption per hour. The source of electrical energy was altered from fossil to solar electricity, so the CO2 emission is zero.
  3. Developing an architecture design framework to optimize daylighting levels and energy demand at building blocks scale, Case study: Sanandaj city
    Cities are the main consumers of energy in which the residential sector is responsible for 35% of total primary energy consumption. In addition, human communities in cities produce more than 40% of Greenhouse gases. Therefore, improving the energy efficiency is becoming increasingly crucial. Recent studies have shown that the energy consumption of an individual building is affected by real urban context. The solar energy absorption and daylighting of buildings can be significantly influenced by urban morphological factors. This research project explores the relationship between urban morphological indicators (density, form, mean height, WFR, and orientation) and energy use and daylighting at an urban block scale. Accordingly, the variation of energy use and daylighting were studied in three urban building blocks (Meraj, Abidar, Villashahr) located in Sanandaj city in the west of Iran. The thermal energy as well as daylighting were simulated using Honeybee open-source software. An integrated method of library studies and field survey were developed which actual gas consumption and physical properties of case study buildings were collected. In this regard, for energy use the simulation the heating and cooling energy use were applied and for daylighting sDA and DF were measured. The simulated model has been validated based on the actual energy data for three consecutive years, i.e., 2019 to 2021 was applied. The results indicated that on average 78% of the simulated data were in an acceptable range. The analysis showed that the density and orientation parameters in urban block scale has no meaningful effects on the energy consumption. On the other hand, in the building scale, surface-to-volume ratio had the highest impact of energy saving. In comparison to the building proportion, orientation and WFR, the difference in the building’s form and density have made 32% and 10% impact on the energy consumption respectively. Furthermore, building proportion (up to 40%) had the most influence on daylight absorption.
  4. ارزیابی میزان انطباق پذیری شهر سنندج با رویکرد شهرهای صرفه جو در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل ونقل شهری
    طی روند صنعتی شدن جوامع، بهره برداری بیشتر و فشرده تر از سوخت های فسیلی منجر به نشر آلایندگی ها در هوا شده است. آلودگی هوا با تاثیرپذیری از بخش حمل و نقل شهری به عنوان یکی از بخش های عمده مصرف انرژی موجب کاهش کیفیت عینی و ذهنی زندگی شهروندان شده است. لذا اتخاذ سیاست های مناسب جهت تعدیل مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری می تواند گامی موثر در راستای دستیابی به اصول پایداری شهری باشد. این پژوهش با تمرکز بر رویکرد شهرهای صرفه جو در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری به دنبال شناسایی میزان انطباق شهر سنندج؛ به عنوان محدوده مورد مطالعه؛ با رویکرد شهرهای صرفه جو در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری است. این تحقیق بر اساس هدف، در دسته تحقیقات کاربردی و بر اساس ماهیت در دسته تحقیقات توصیفی و مطالعه موردی قرار می گیرد. بدین منظور پس از تبیین پنج مؤلفه و 19 شاخص با استفاده از ابزارهای متنوعی چون توزیع پرسشنامه الکترونیکی بین شهروندان، توزیع پرسشنامه بین 50 نفر از متخصصین و کارشناسان حمل و نقل شهری، مطالعات میدانی و اسنادی، تکنیک چیدمان فضا در نرم افزار Epthmap داده های مورد نیاز گردآوری شده و با استفاده از آزمون T تک نمونه ای و آزمون فریدمن در نرم افزار spss22 تحلیل شدند. نتایج حاصل شده بیانگر بیشترین تاثیرپذیری رویکرد شهر صرفهجو در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری از هوشمندسازی سیستم حمل و نقل شهری با میانگین 06/3 است.همچنین مشخص گردید که شهر سنندج با رویکرد شهر صرفه جو در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری به میزان 33/3 انطباق داشته که در وضعیت نسبتا مطلوبی قرار دارد، اما به منظور ارتقاء بهره وری انرژی در شهر می توان با ارتقاء شاخصهای شهر فشرده، موجبات صرفهجویی بیشتر در مصرف انرژی در بخش حمل و نقل شهری را فراهم آورد.
  5. Investigation, analysis, and design of a green school based on the passive solar systems in Tehran city
    The ever increasing fossil fuel consumptions lead to the serious environmental problems such as global warming, which is one of the problems facing the contemporary communities. One of the important solutions is to develop the sustainable buildings using renewable energy sources, including solar energy. Due to the climatic date of Iran, a tremendous amount of solar energy is available, which can cover a large part of the energy needs of our buildings. The school building is one of the building types that plays an important role to achieve the ideals of a sustainable building/city. In terms of large number of users, the long hours of attendance (aspects of physical and mental health) and the role that schools play in education of the next generation, establishing the green schools are vital. One of the basic approaches of green schools is to design and build efficient buildings in terms of energy-water efficiency, low waste generation and attention to climatical design. In the present study, an attempt has been made to take a step towards reducing the consumption of fossil fuels by using passive solar solutions in the design of a sample green school. In this study, a sample school was designed in Tehran, Iran, by applying the passive solar methods, including Sun-Space installation, central atrium, and two-shell façade. The natural lighting and ventilation also have applied in the system. To validate the effectiveness of these solutions, the designed sample was tested against the real data using Design Builder software. The actual energy consumption and climatic data of Tehran, helped to simulate the climate and comfort conditions of the designed building. Before and after applying the solutions, the output information in the form of diagrams and tables was compared. The simulated output information in the field of gas, electricity, air conditioning and lighting was compared with the actual performance of a normal school in Tehran to validate the approach as well as to achieve the goals in environmental sustainability.
  6. Predicting the End Use Energy Demand (heating, gas) in Residential Buildings Using Machine Learning Algorithms (ML) to be Used in Architectural Design
    Buildings consume over 40% of the world's primary energy and responsible for about one-third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Predicting energy consumption is very important to improve energy supply as well as efficiency. In addition to the planning and energy demand management, by prediction the factors affecting energy consumption can be identified. Predicting energy demand is very challenging because it often follows complex nonlinear patterns and also has various influential variables, including building physics, occupant behavior, and HVAC systems; Therefore, traditional statistical forecasting techniques are poor to achieve accurate results. In recent years, the power of complex data computing has greatly increased using Machine Learning (MA). Many MA algorithms are able to process nonlinear patterns of data, and provide an authentic model to predict energy demand. In this study, MA models such as Linear Regression, XGBoost, Artificial Neural Network and Random Forest were applied to investigate and predict heating energy (gas) in residential buildings. The input variables used in this study include a set of real gas consumption data as well as behavioral and socio-cultural information that was collected through questionnaires in Kurdistan province. The data has been compiled in the form of a comprehensive and reliable database. To validate the process, the square root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) analysis were applied to examine the accuracy of machine learning models. The results show that the reinforcement gradient model (XGBoost) had the best predictive accuracy of R2 (79%) and RMSE (11214). By examining the input parameters, the parameters highly affecting the heating energy demand were identified. In the last step, using two factors, including population growth and total in residential units’ area in Arima model, the gas demand for 2025 and 2030 in Sanandaj city was predicted. Finally, by simulating a residential building in Sanandaj city, the amount of energy demand in this building was predicted and architectural solutions were provided to reduce the energy demand.
  7. Energy benchmarking of primary schools of Sanandaj city and extracting applied patterns for Designing a sample school
    Lack of access to valid systems to evaluate the energy performance of buildings is often a major obstacle for improving the energy efficiency in Iran. Therefore, the establishment of applied standards, policies, and determination of effective factors in the field of energy management are fundamental to improve the building energy efficiency. In this regard, to realize the building energy-saving plans, first energy consumption must be evaluated reasonably and transparently. In this research, using actual energy consumption data, the Top-down benchmarking method is applied in educational buildings in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, Iran. This method is a large-scale energy management approach that compares the energy performance of a given building with peers (similar uses and weather). The research method is analytical and quantitative base. The statistical population of this study includes 31 primary schools in Sanandaj. The CIBSE TM46 standard was used as a validated worldwide approach to calculate the benchmarks. The latest amounts of energy consumption of Sanandaj schools were analyzed by the multiple regression method. Therefore, the end-use energy consumption according to energy bills (Actual gas and electricity usage) of 31 schools from 2016 to 2019 were assessed. Using a top-down approach for deriving the benchmarks, 93 annual Energy Performance Index (EPI) were analyzed. So, the calculated annual energy benchmark for the primary schools in Sanandaj is 180 kWh/m2/yr. However, the breakdown benchmarks for electricity (9 kWh/m2/yr) and gas (171 kWh/m2/yr) were also calculated. Then, the Display Energy Certificate (DEC) for each school was generated based on the calculated benchmark. The results of the analysis indicate that Heating Degree Day (HDD) is affected on gas consumption; however, Cooling Degree Day (CDD) is not significantly affected on electricity consumption. According to the results, the useful area of the building has the most relationship with the amount of electricity and gas consumption. Furthermore, the population density (the number of students and staff per 1 m2) is an effective factor accordingly. Due to the results of multiple regression analysis, the variables such as building volume, age, and type of cooling system can predict 50% of the amount of electricity consumption, while the variables such as building volume, building height, and double-glazed windows can predict 62% of the amount of gas consumed. The results of this study can provide the possibility of developing policies to analyze the actual energy performance in schools, according to the energy consumption standard of schools in Sanandaj. Finally, according to the research results, a high-energy performance sample school was designed on the existing educational site.
  8. The Green Development Document or Sustainable Architecture Development of Sanandaj
    The Green Development Plan (GDP) is a type of architectural and urban planning, which is a multidimensional development study that applies sustainable development goals such as using the natural resources and reducing the Ecological Footprint (EF). Therefore, to achieve an urban sustainable development, based on natural ecosystems and green development indicators, a balance between environmental, social, cultural, urban texture, should be considered. In the other words, the green development approach should be institutionalized as a strategy to achieve sustainable urban development. In this study, to prepare a GDP for Sanandaj city, the environmental sustainability of the city in areas s such as transportation and waste management, were evaluated and their potentials as well as positive and negative points were discussed. The study is an introduction for writing a guideline for citizens, managers, and organizations like municipality to act according to its aims. The methodology of the research at the first step focused on the reviewing the relevant documents, journal papers, books, and investigating the main urban development plans such as Master and land-use plan of Sanandaj. In the next step, the effective real data related to the research concept through surveys (observation, questionnaire and interview) were collected and assessed. According to the analysis with AHP method, a suitable method for public transportation and the waste management in Sanandaj was determined, which Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Smart trashcans were among the highest score options. In the second phase, to find four strategic factors (including opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses, SWOT), the sociocultural, economic, access and physical urban aspects of the model that affect the external and internal environment, have been identified. By evaluating and categorizing the visualized data, the main factors that form the opportunities and threats of the external environment or the strengths and weaknesses that affect on the internal environment for a sustainable green-urban development have been identified and classified. In the next step, a comparison between the factors and the rows of the table was performed using the AHP multi-criteria method. The effective factors were prioritized and the statistical results regarding the transportation system as well as the waste collection process were discussed. The results have been developed to establish a smart-green development document. Finally, in the architectural design phase, a multi-purpose smart-green bus station has been designed.
  9. Energy benchmarking of office buildings of Sanandaj city and its application in architectural design
    Iranian buildings account for 40% of total energy consumption and are also responsible for emitting 23% of Iran's greenhouse gases. Office buildings are the largest consumer of non-residential buildings compared to other types of stocks; Therefore, increasing energy efficiency in office buildings has become an essential issue to reduce the emission of fossil fuels. Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, including natural gas and electricity, which are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, is one of the planning priorities of countries in order to achieve sustainable development. One of the ways to reduce energy consumption and fossil fuels in the building is energy audit. In this study, energy auditing has been done by benchmarking method in public office buildings in Sanandaj city. The present research is of applied-theoretical type and has been done based on library studies and national and international standards. The statistical population of the study includes 12 public offices (26 buildings) in Sanandaj. In order to evaluate energy consumption in Sanandaj city public office and prepare energy consumption benchmark, two gas and electricity indicators have been audited during a period of 3 consecutive years (March 2016 to 2019). The results show that the energy consumption benchmark in Iraniam public office buildings (equivalent to 292 kWh/m2/yr) is 36% more different from the CIBSE TM46 standard benchmark (equivalent to 215 kWh/m2/yr). Buildings of the Environmental Protection Organization of Kurdistan Province with an average consumption of 3 years (163 kWh/ m2/yr) the best performance and research building of Kurdistan Gas Company with an average consumption of 3 years (512 kWh/m2/yr) the highest energy consumption index (EPI) are among the samples of the statistical population. Also, the study of the energy class of buildings in the energy display certificate shows that 31% of the examined buildings have good performance and 69% have poor performance and have high energy consumption. Finally, by simulating the road and urban development office building as a case study in Design Builder software, which had a low energy rating of F, 3 architectural solutions were applied to the building and a total of 31/98% was saved in the total energy consumption of the building.
  10. Energy Benchmarking and Preparing Display Energy Certificate for (College Buildings (Design an ECO Friendly College
    Today, increasing the energy consumption has encouraged concerns about the waste of energy resources and devastating the environment. Recent studies in Iran show that almost 40% of the total energy consumption in the country is related to the construction sector. A significant part of energy is consumed in public buildings. Among these, university campuses, due to their high number, variety of uses, large area, and long duration of use, have a significant share of energy consumption. Achieving sustainable development goals has prompted policymakers and planners to manage structural strategic studies and energy efficiency policies in such buildings. The first step in energy efficiency management in the building is the energy audit, which energy benchmarking method as the best executive solution determines the energy performance of existing buildings. This research is an Applied type based on library and field studies as well as the comparison of the assessments with the national and international standards such as CIBSE TM46 . The research process consists of energy consumption data analysis from 2011 to 2018. In addition, the consumptions normalized by the useful area of the university buildings. The statistical population consists of educational buildings of 6 university campuses in Sanandaj and Saqez cities in Kurdistan province and a campus in the Bukan city in the West Azerbaijan province. In this research, the descriptive statistical method has been used in the calculations and analysis of energy quantities (gas and electricity consumption). To evaluate the energy efficiency of buildings and prepare the energy performance certificates, a Top-Down approach has been applied. Finally, the research results presented in a scientific and practical method to use by academic communities, engineers, planners and policymakers. It was found that the proposed energy benchmark (total gas and electricity) for the case study university buildings (171 kWh/m2/yr) , was 47% lower than the CIBSE TM46 UC benchmark (320 kWh/m2/yr), which it seems logical considering the climate and latitude of Kurdistan,. According to the produced energy performance certificates, it can be seen that 38% of the buildings had a good performance, 37% had a standard performance and 25% had a poor performance. The best performance among the samples is related to the Imam Khomaini Complex of Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj and the worst performance is related to the Bukan University of Applied Sciences. Finally, the simulation of the Faculty of Humanities of the Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj (with an energy grade of G) in DesignBuilder software, indicated the potential opportunities to increase the energy efficiency of 13.13% by applying the proposed solutions.
  11. طراحی مرکز تجاری مهاباد مبتنی بر معیارهای لید (LEED) (مدیریت انرژی و طراحی زیست محیطی)
    پایداری از مباحث بسیار مهم و رایج در سطح بین المللی است. به طوری که حفظ منابع انرژی، جلوگیری از آلوده کردن زمین و محیط زیست، کاهش میزان مصرف انرژی های فسیلی و هم زیستی با شرایط طبیعی و اقلیمی مبدل به یکی از مباحث روز در رشته های معماری و شهرسازی شده است. اهمیت موضوع زمانی مشخص خواهد شد که بدانیم ساختمان های مسکونی و تجاری ایران، مطابق آمارهای موجود بیشترین مصرف کننده های انرژی کشور می باشند و میانگین مصرف انرژی ساختمان ها در ایران بیش از 5/2 برابر متوسط مصرف جهانی است. علاوه بر این، در حدود 40 درصد انتشار دی اکسید کربن توسط ساختمان ها انجام می گیرد. این موارد تعداد اندکی از دلایل نگرانی متخصصان برای نقش قابل توجه محیط مصنوع در مصرف منابع و علت بعضی از مسائل اساسی زیست محیطی است. در طول سالیان گذشته راهکارها، معیارها و استانداردهای متفاوتی در زمینه ی معماری پایدار و ساختمان های سبز تدوین گردیده است که از جمله معیارهای قابل توجه در عصر حاضر می توان به لید ((LEED اشاره نمود. گواهینامه ی لید یا استاندارد پیشرو در طراحی زیست محیطی و مصرف انرژی ، استاندارد ساختمان های سبز در آمریکا برای مقابله با این نگرانی ها می باشد. هدف پژوهش حاضر نیز دستیابی به احکام طراحی کاربردی در شهر مهاباد به کمک معیارهای لید است که با استفاده از آن ها، بتوان به طراحی مرکز تجاری سبز دست یافت. در اینجا این سوال مطرح می گردد که کدام یک از مدل ها و معیارهای لید برای طراحی کاربردی می باشد؟ برای دستیابی به پاسخ پرسش ها و رسیدن به هدف نهایی پژوهش از روش تحقیق مورد پژوهی استفاده شده است که ابتدا به مطالعه ی مراکز تجاری پرداخته و سپس با بررسی استاندارد و معیارهای لید نمونه های ساخته شده ای که توانسته اند این گواهی را دریافت کنند واکاوی شده است. پس از تحلیل و بررسی مطالعات صورت گرفته و مشخص شدن معیارها و موارد پراهمیت لید همچون موقعیت مکانی و حمل و نقل، پایداری سایت، کارایی آب، انرژی، مواد و منابع، کیفت محیط داخل و غیره اقدام به ارائه ی طرح مرکزتجاری با رویکرد لید شده است
  12. ارزیابی ردپای اکولوژیکی دانشگاه کردستان
    با توجه به مسائل بحرانی زیست محیطی در عصر حاضر، روشن است که مفهوم پایداری و توسعه پایدار در سطح جوامع مختلف بیشتر از گذشته مورد توجه کارشناسان و اذهان عمومی قرار گرفته است. از اوایل مطرح شدن توسعه پایدار ابزارهای گوناگونی برای سنجش پایداری مطرح شد. یکی از این ابزارها که با دقت بیشتری میزان عملکرد انسان را در استفاده از منابع طبیعی و تولید گازهای گلخانه ای و زباله ارزیابی می کند و در سطح آکادمیک توجه متخصصان را به خود جلب کرده ردپای اکولوژیکی است. امروزه مؤسسات آموزش عالی نقش بسیار پررنگی در توسعه و آموزش این مدل ایفا می کنند؛ لذا در این تحقیق به ارزیابی ردپای اکولوژیکی در دانشگاه کردستان پرداخته شده است. تحقیق حاضر از نوع کاربردی – توسعه ای بوده و با تکیه بر مطالعات کتابخانه ای و اسنادی و آمایش های میدانی انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری شامل دانشجویان، اساتید هیأت علمی و کارکنان دانشگاه کردستان می شود. به منظور ارزیابی ردپای اکولوژیکی این مرکز آموزشی، 5 شاخص گاز، برق، آب، غذا و زباله در طول دوره 4 ساله (1394-1391) اندازه گیری شده است. بر اساس مدل ردپای اکولوژیکی؛ نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که بیشترین ردپای اکولوژیکی در دانشگاه کردستان در این 4 سال به بخش انرژی (گاز و برق) و کمترین آن نیز به مصرف آب برمی گردد، همچنین تحلیل ردپای اکولوژیکی در دانشگاه کردستان نشان می دهد که این مرکز آموزشی نه تنها روند پایداری را در سال های اخیر طی نکرده است بلکه در مقایسه با نمونه های موردی در جهان، جز دانشگاه های با بیشترین سرانه ردپای اکولوژیکی می باشد. در این راستا جهت کاهش مصرف منابع طبیعی و تولید زباله، ضمن ارائه برنامه راهکار کاهش ردپای اکولوژیکی به مدیران دانشگاه، ایجاد فرهنگ سازمانی در راستای پایداری محیطی به عنوان پیشنهاد اصلی مطرح شده است.